It’s interesting to me that last year about this time my colleague was fervently attempting to get our entire consulting team (well, mostly us girls who didn’t yet have blogs!) to get started with this phenomenon that he is so passionately involved with. I don’t know how many times he set us up, only to have us basically waste his efforts with a feeble attempt and then abandon completely in light of frustration, with our common excuse of “We don’t have time to blog!!”. Fortunately, he never chastized us, but rather suggested that when we had a legitimate need to blog – we’d get started.

 So here I am. A master’s class is certainly legitimate.

And yet, I must admit, I had almost started to dabble in the blogging world last semester while taking another EC & I class. I found in my last class that I sure had a lot to say…and sharing it with the prof in a research paper really wasn’t going to do much to start dialogue about the issues I was concerned with. So…I guess I am beginning to see the potential and usefulness of blogging. I’m sure by the end of the course I’ll be a junkie….

This is my first online course, and while I’m not an idiot when it comes to technology, I’m certainly no savant…so this shall be interesting.

We are constantly trying to find innovative ways to use technology in our division as we are spread across a huge piece of the province geographically,  basically the U.S. border to as far north as Craik. For the health and welfare of our teachers, not to mention the financial burdens of mileage, we have placed several polycom units in our rural schools. While they have their glitches, they have proven useful. I’m anxious to learn about other technologies that we can use to engage our teachers in conversations and professional learning…and hopefully inspire them to use the same technologies with their kids. It’s a big shift though…personally and pedagogically, to see that technology can be used effectively. 

I’m a perfect example of that!!